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Single Family Vacant Land Location Abercrombie Aberdeen Acaciaville Advocate Harbour Afton Station Ainslie Glen Albany New Albert Bridge Alderney Point Aldersville Allen Heights Allendale Allenville Alma Alton Amherst Amherst Head Annapolis Royal Antigonish Antigonish County Antigonish Harbour Antigonish Landing Arcadia Ardoise Argyle Sound Arichat Arisaig Arlington Arlington East Arlington West Armdale Ashdale Ashmore Aspen Aspotogan Aspy Bay Athol Athol Road Atlanta Atwoods Brook Auburn Auburndale Aulds Cove Avondale Avonport Aylesford Aylesford Lake Baccaro Baddeck Baddeck Bay Baddeck Forks Baddeck Inlet Baker Settlement Bald Rock Balfron Ballantynes Cove Balmoral Mills Bangs Falls Barrachois Barren Hill Barrington Barrington Passage Barrington West Barss Corner Barton Bass River Baxters Harbour Bay View Bayers Lake Bayfield Bayhead Bayport Bayside Bayswater Beach Meadows Bear Point Bear River Bear River East Beaver Bank Beaver River Beaverdam Lake Bedford Bedford West Beech Hill Beech Hill Farms Beechville Belfry Lake Belle Marche Belleville Belleville South Belliveaus Cove Belmont Belnan Berwick Berwick West Bible Hill Big Harbour Big Harbour Island Big Lake Big Pond Big Pond Centre Big Tancook Island Bigney Birch Grove Birch Plain Birchtown Birchy Head Bishopville Black Lake Black Point Black River Lake Black Rock Blanche Blandford Blind Bay Bloomington Blue Mountain Blue Rocks Boularderie Boularderie East Boutiliers Point Boylston Bramber Bras D'or Brass Hill Brazil Lake Briar Lake Brickton Bridgetown Bridgetown East Bridgeville Bridgewater Brighton Broad Cove Broad Cove Chapel Broad Cove Marsh Brookdale Brookland Brooklyn Brooklyn Corner Brookside Broughton Brow Of The Mountain Brule Brule Point Brule Shore Brunello Estates Bucklaw Burnside Burntcoat Byers Lake Caledonia Cambridge Camperdown Canaan Canada Creek Canada Hill Canning Canso Cap La Ronde Cap Le Moine Cape Auget Cape Forchu Cape George Cape George Estates Cape George Point Cape John Cape North Cape St Marys Caribou Island Caribou Marsh Caribou River Carleton Carleton Corner Carleton Village Carrolls Corner Carrs Brook Casey Corner Castle Bay Catalone Catalone Gut Center Burlington Central Chebogue Central Clarence Central New Annan Central West River Central Woods Harbour Centrelea Centreville Chance Harbour Chaplin Charleston Charlesville Charlos Cove Chaswood Chegoggin Chelsea Cherry Hill Chester Chester Basin Chester Grant Chéticamp Chéticamp Island Cheverie Chignecto Chipmans Corner Christmas Island Church Point Churchover Churchview Clam Bay Clam Harbour Clam Point Clarence Clark's Harbour Clayton Park Clementsport Clementsvale Cleveland Clyde River Coalburn Cogmagun Colchester Coldbrook Cole Harbour Collingwood Corner Comeaus Hill Comeauville Concession Conns Mills Conquerall Bank Conquerall Mills Conway Cooks Brook Cookville Corberrie Corbetts Cove Cornwallis Cornwallis Park Country Harbour Country Harbour Mines Cow Bay Craigmore Creignish Crescent Beach Culloden Cumberland Currys Corner D'escousse Dalhousie Danvers Darlings Lake Dartmouth Dayspring Dayton Dean Debaies Cove Debert Deep Brook Deep Cove Deep Hollow Deerfield Delaps Cove Dempseys Corner Digby Diligent River Dingwall Doctors Brook Doctors Cove Dominion Donkin Doucetteville Dunakin Duncans Cove Dundee Durham Dutch Brook Dutch Settlement Eagle Head Earltown East Amherst East Baccaro East Berlin East Canaan East Chester East Chezzetcook East Clifford East Dalhousie East Dover East Earltown East Ferry East Folly Mountain East Gore East Green Harbour East Hants East Havre Boucher East Jeddore East Jordan East Kemptville East Lahave East Lake Ainslie East Lawrencetown East Margaree East Margaretsville East Mountain East Petpeswick East Port L'hebert East Port Medway East Preston East Pubnico East Quinan East River East River Point East Sable River East Stewiacke East Tracadie East Uniacke East Wallace Eastern Passage Eastern Shore Eastville Economy Ecum Secum Edwardsville Eel Bay Egerton Elgin Ellershouse Elmsdale Elmsvale Elmwood Enfield Englishtown Enon Erinville Estmere Evanston Fairmont Fairview Fall River Falmouth False Bay Fauxburg Fenwick Fergusons Cove First South Five Houses Five Islands Five Mile River Fletchers Lake Florence Forbes Point Forest Glade Forest Glen Forest Hill Forest Hills Forest Home Fort Ellis Fort Lawrence Fountain Road Fourchu Fox Harbour Fox Island Main Fox Point Framboise Franey Corner Frankville Frasers Mountain Freeport French Cove French River French Road French Village Frenchvale Gabarus Gabarus Lake Gaetz Brook Garden Lots Gardners Mills Garland Garlands Crossing Gaspereau Gavelton Gays River Georges River Georgeville Gilberts Cove Glace Bay Glen Haven Glen Margaret Glencoe Glendale Glenelg Glenholme Glenmont Glenora Goffs Goldenville Goose Cove Gormanville Goshen Grafton Grand Étang Grand Greve Grand Lake Grand Mira Grand Mira South Grand River Grand River Falls Grande Anse Grande Greve Grantville Granville Beach Granville Centre Granville Ferry Graywood Great Village Greenfield Greenhill Greenland Greenville Greenwich Greenwood Greenwood Square Grosses Coques Groves Point Gullivers Cove Gunning Cove Guysborough Guysborough County Hackett's Cove Hadleyville Half Island Cove Halfway Cove Halfway River Halibut Bay Halifax Halifax Peninsula Halifax Regional Municipality Halls Harbour Hammonds Plains Hampton Hansford Hants Hants Border Hantsport Harbourview Harbourville Hardwood Hill Hardwood Lands Harmony Harrietsfield Harrigan Cove Harrison Settlement Harriston Hartford Hartz Point Hassett Hatchet Lake Haut De La Baie Havendale Havre Boucher Hay Cove Hazel Glen Hazel Hill Head Of Chezzetcook Head Of Jeddore Head Of St. Margarets Bay Heatherton Hebbs Cross Hebbville Hebron Hectanooga Hedgeville Hemford Herring Cove Highbury Hilden Hillgrove Hillsboro Hillsburn Hilltown Holland Harbour Hortonville Howie Centre Hubbards Hubley Hunt's Point Huntington Hunts Point Hureauville Indian Brook Indian Point Inglisville Ingomar Ingonish Ingonish Beach Ingonish Ferry Ingramport Inlet Baddeck Inverness Inverness County Inverside Iona Irish Cove Irishvale Isaacs Harbour Italy Cross Jacksons Mountain Jamesville Janvrin Harbour Jeddore Joggins Johnstown Jones Harbour Jordan Bay Jordan Branch Jordan Falls Jordan Ferry Jordantown Judique Judique North Judique South Juniper Mountain Karsdale Keddys Corner Keeble Kelleys Cove Kempt Kempt Head Kempt Road Kempt Shore Kemptown Kemptville Kenloch Kentville Ketch Harbour Kingross Kings Head Kingsburg Kingston Kinsac Kolbec L'ardoise La Prairie Labelle Laconia Lahave Lake Centre Lake Charlotte Lake Doucette Lake Echo Lake Egmont Lake George Lake La Rose Lake Loon Lake Midway Lakelands Lakeside Lakevale Lakeview Lakeville Lanesville Lansdowne Lantz Lapland Larry's River Larrys River Lawrencetown Leiblin Park Leminster Lennox Passage Lequille Lewis Cove Road Lime Hill Linacy Linwood Liscomb Lismore Litchfield Little Bras D'or Little Brook Little Harbour Little Judique Little Narrows Little Port L'hebert Little River Little Tancook Island Liverpool Livingstone Cove Loch Broom Loch Katrine Loch Lomond Loch Lomond West Lochaber Lochaber Mines Lockeport Lockhartville Londonderry Londonderry Station Long Lake Long Point Lorneville Louis Head Louisbourg Louisdale Louisville Lovat Lower Argyle Lower Barneys River Lower Branch Lower Burlington Lower Caledonia Lower Canard Lower Clarks Harbour Lower Clyde River Lower Debert Lower East Chezzetcook Lower East Pubnico Lower Economy Lower Five Islands Lower L'ardoise Lower Maccan Lower Ohio Lower Onslow Lower Sackville Lower Sandy Point Lower Saulnierville Lower Selma Lower South River Lower Three Fathom Harbour Lower Truro Lower Wedgeport Lower Wentworth Lower West Pubnico Lower Whitehead Lower Wolfville Lower Woods Harbour Lucasville Lundy Lunenburg Lydgate Lyons Brook Mabou Mabou Harbour Maccan Macphees Corner Macphersons Mills Maders Cove Mahone Bay Main-À-dieu Maitland Malagash Malagash Centre Malagash Point Malagawash Malagawatch Manganese Mines Mapleton Maplewood Marble Mountain Margaree Centre Margaree Forks Margaree Harbour Margaree Valley Marie Joseph Marion Bridge Marriott's Cove Marriotts Cove Marshalltown Marshville Marshy Hope Martinique Martins Point Martins River Masons Beach Masstown Mattatall Lake Mavillette Maxwellton Mayflower Mcarras Brook Mckay Section Mcnabs Cove Mcnutts Island Meadowvale Meaghers Grant Melanson Melford Melrose Melvern Square Melville Merigomish Mersey Point Meteghan Meteghan Centre Meteghan River Meteghan Station Middle Cape Middle Cornwall Middle East Pubnico Middle Lahave Middle Musquodoboit Middle New Cornwall Middle River Middle Sackville Middle West Pubnico Middlefield Middleton Milford Militia Point Mill Cove Mill Road Mill Village Millville Milton Milton Highlands Mineville Mira Mira Road Mitchell Bay Molega Molega Lake Molega North Monastery Montrose Moose Harbour Moosehead Morganville Morris Island Morristown Moser River Mosherville Mount Denson Mount Hanley Mount Pleasant Mount Uniacke Mount William Mulgrave Murchyville Murphy Cove Murray Siding Musquodoboit Harbour Myers Point Nappan Necum Teuch New Annan New Boston New Chester New Edinburgh New Germany New Glasgow New Harbour New Lairg New Minas New Ross New Russell New Victoria New Waterford Newburne Newcombville Newellton Newport Station Newtonville Nicholsville Nictaux Nictaux Falls Nine Mile River Nineveh Noel North Alton North Chegoggin North East Harbour North East Margaree North East Point North Grand Pre North Grant North Kemptville North Kentville North Noel Road North Range North River North Riverside North Side East Bay North Sydney North Wallace North Williamston Northwest Cove Nova Scotia Oak Park Oakfield Oakhill Oakland Ogden Ogilvie Ohio Onslow Onslow Mountain Ostrea Lake Overton Owls Head Owls Head Harbour Oxford Oyster Pond Paradise Parkdale Parkers Cove Parrsboro Peas Brook Peggys Cove Pembroke Petit Étang Petit-de-grat Petite Rivière Philips Harbour Phinneys Cove Pictou Pictou County Pictou Island Pictou Landing Pier Pine Grove Pine Tree Pinehurst Pinkneys Point Pleasant Bay Pleasant Lake Pleasant Point Pleasant River Pleasant Valley Pleasantfield Pleasantville Plymouth Plympton Plympton Station Pockwock Point Aconi Point Cross Point Tupper Poirierville Pomquet Ponds Pondville Popes Harbour Poplar Grove Port Bickerton Port Clyde Port Dufferin Port George Port Greville Port Hastings Port Hawkesbury Port Hood Port Howe Port L'hebert Port La Tour Port Lorne Port Maitland Port Medway Port Morien Port Mouton Port Philip Port Royal Port Saxon Port Shoreham Port Williams Portapique Porters Lake Portland Hills Portuguese Cove Poulamon Princedale Prospect Prospect Bay Prospect Village Pubnico Pugwash Purcell's Cove Purlbrook Queensland Queensport Quinan Raynardton Red Point Reids Hill Reserve Mines Reynoldscroft Rhines Creek Rhodes Corner Richmond Rines Creek River Bourgeois River Denys River Hebert River John River Philip River Ryan River Tillard Riverdale Riverhead Riverport Riversdale Roachvale Roberta Roberts Island Robinsons Corner Rock Elm Rockdale Rockland Rocklin Rockville Rose Bay Roslin Ross Creek Ross Ferry Rossway Round Bay Round Hill Round Island Rous Island Roxville Sable River Sackville Salmon River Salmon River Bridge Salt Springs Sambro Sampsons Cove Sampsonville Sand Point Sandfield Sandford Sandy Cove Sandy Point Saulnierville Scotch Hill Scotch Lake Scotchtown Scots Bay Scotsburn Scotsville Seabright Seabrook Seaforth Seal Cove Seaview Seffernville Selma Shad Bay Shag Harbour Sheet Harbour Sheffield Mills Shelburne Shelburne County Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Lake Ship Harbour Shortts Lake Shubenacadie Shulie Simms Settlement Simpsons Corner Sissiboo Falls Six Mile Brook Skir Dhu Skye Glen Smithfield Smiths Cove Soldiers Cove Somerset Sonora South Alton South Belleville South Berwick South Branch South Brookfield South Cove South End South Farmington South Haven South Head South Lochaber South Middleboro South Ohio South Range South Rawdon South River Bourgeois South Scots Bay South Side South Side Of Boularderie South Tremont South Uniacke South West Port Mouton Southside Antigonish Harbour Southside Boularderie Southwest Cove Spa Springs Spanish Ship Bay Spectacle Lakes Spencers Island Springdale Springfield Springhill Springhill Junction Spry Bay Spry Harbour Spryfield St Andrew's St Croix Cove St George's Channel St Margaret's Bay St. Alphonse St. Anns St. Bernard St. Croix St. Francis Harbour St. Georges Channel St. Joseph St. Joseph Du Moine St. Marys St. Marys River St. Peter's Stanley Stanley Section Ste. Anne Du Ruisseau Stellarton Stewartdale Stewiacke Stillwater Lake Stirling Stonehurst North Stoney Island Strathcona Streets Ridge Sugar Camp Summerville Summerville Centre Sunken Lake Sunnybrae Surettes Island Sutherlands Lake Sutherlands River Sydney Sydney Mines Sydney River Tangier Tanglewood Tantallon Tarbot Tarbotvale Tatamagouche Telford Tennecape Terence Bay The Lodge The Points West Bay Thibeauville Third Lake Three Fathom Harbour Three Mile Plains Tidnish Bridge Tidnish Cross Roads Timberlea Tiverton Toney River Torbrook Torbrook East Torbrook West Tracadie Trafalgar Trenton Troy Truro Truro Heights Tusket Two Islands Tyndal Road Union Square Upper Baddeck River Upper Branch Upper Canard Upper Clements Upper Clyde River Upper Clyde Road Upper Economy Upper Falmouth Upper Fox Island Upper Grand Mira Upper Granville Upper Hammonds Plains Upper Kennetcook Upper Kingsburg Upper Lahave Upper Lakeville Upper Leitches Creek Upper Middle River Upper Musquodoboit Upper New Cornwall Upper Nine Mile River Upper North Sydney Upper Northfield Upper Ohio Upper Onslow Upper Rawdon Upper Sackville Upper Stewiacke Upper Tantallon Upper Vaughan Upper Washabuck Upper Wedgeport Upper Whitehead Upper Woods Harbour Urbania Valley Valley Mills Valley Road Vaughan Victoria Victoria Beach Victoria Harbour Victoria Mines Victoria Vale Victory Virginia Virginia East Voglers Cove Waldeck Waldeck East Walden Walkerville Wallace Wallace Bay Wallace Bridge Wallbrook Walls Lake Walton Waterford Waterloo Waterloo Lake Waterside Watervale Waterville Watford Watt Section Waverley Wedgeport Wellington Welsford Welshtown Weltons Corner Wentworth Wentworth Centre Wentworth Creek Wentzells Lake West Advocate West Alba West Amherst West Arichat West Baccaro West Bay West Bay Marshes West Bay Road West Bedford West Berlin West Branch West Caledonia West Chezzetcook West Clifford West Dalhousie West Dover West Dublin West End West Glenmont West Green Harbour West Havre Boucher West Jeddore West Lahave West Lake Ainslie West Lawrencetown West Liscomb West Lochaber West Mabou West Middle River West Middle Sable West Pennant West Petpeswick West Porters Lake West Pubnico West Pugwash West Quoddy West Sable West Side Country Harbour West Springhill West St Andrews West Tatamagouche West Wentworth Westchester Westchester Valley Western Head Western Shore Westfield Westmount Westphal Westport Westville Westville Road Weymouth Weymouth Falls Weymouth Mills Weymouth North Whale Cove White Point White Rock Whiteburn Mines Whitehead Whites Corner Whites Lake Whiteside Whitney Pier Whycocomagh Whycocomagh Bay Widow Point Wileville Williamsdale Williamswood Wilmot Wilsons Cove Windsor Windsor Forks Windsor Junction Windsor Road Wine Harbour Wittenburg Wolfville Wolfville Ridge Woods Harbour Woodside Woodville Wreck Cove Wrights Lake Wyses Corner Yarmouth Yarmouth County Youngs Cove Structure Type Condominium Apartment Duplex Fourplex House Mobile Home Other Recreational Row / Townhouse Triplex Waterfront Only - No Waterfront Only - Yes Lot Massachusetts Road $125,000 - For sale ID#: 202426463 Beds N/A Baths N/A Mary Jane Riley Road $19,900 - For sale ID#: 202422292 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot 85 1A 4805 Shore Road $414,000 - For sale ID#: 202426046 3 Beds 2 Baths Lot 6, 8 & 9 Highway 1 $1,700,000 - For sale ID#: 202418231 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot 1 Fort Point Road $119,000 - For sale ID#: 202413438 Beds N/A Baths N/A 8219 Highway 101 $199,995 - For sale ID#: 202312718 Beds N/A Baths N/A Kinney Road $55,900 - For sale ID#: 202411209 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot 85 1A 4805 Shore Road $414,000 - For sale ID#: 202426047 3 Beds 2 Baths 2013 Clementsvale Road $62,000 - For sale ID#: 202422649 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot 6, 8 & 9 Highway 1 $1,700,000 - For sale ID#: 202418174 Beds N/A Baths N/A Contact Me For All Of Your Real Estate Needs! 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